Needless to say, supporting the American war effort was the right and honourable thing to do, but it wouldn't have been exactly... detrimental to that effort had she not made an indecent show of herself and saved the poor, sex-starved guys an itchy time? (But hey, what prickteaser could resist SUCH an opportunity...) Then again, she was such a pathetically bad singer that she somehow HAD to do it, I guess, to distract from her poor performance.
She was ridiculously overrated as an artist and a beauty, a war profiteer, an opportunist, an exhibitionist and she would have jumped on any bandwagon furthering her career. So many Jews who, different from her, HAD suffered came back to Germany after the war. What did her pompous "...never on German soil again!" do for her but letting her lap up some brownie points from Americans and politically correct Germans? Germany had become a fourth-rate-entity when it came to arts and entertainment anyway after the war... Gosh, her antigermanism was such a cheap shot.
"Marlene showing her loyalty to the 3rd Division". I've never seen a more absurd euphemism. Loyalty my behind! When I walk the dogs in bad weather I put my loyalties in green gumboots.
However, happy birthday, Marlene, wherever you are. I hope for you it's in a place of eternal wrinklefreeness.
(Original entry from December 27, 2005)